Wetzel Chemistry Consulting, LLC

Chemistry Leadership for Drug Discovery and Development


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Compound design, synthesis and evaluation

Our clients benefit from our 18 years of experience in small molecule drug discovery and development.  To date, two discovery projects with which we were involved have reached Phase II clinical trials.  Our expertise includes:

·         target identification

·         hit finding

·         hit-to-lead chemistry

·         lead optimization

·         preclinical development

·         clinical development

Advising clients in development candidate selection is aided by our drug development experience. 

In the discovery arena, we can help you to:

·         interpret structure-activity relationships

·         design new drug-like compounds and synthetic routes to them

·         identify and prioritize assays for compound evaluation

·         prioritize compounds and chemical series for further development

·         choose and implement equipment for compound synthesis, purification and characterization

·         select contract laboratories to augment your internal capabilities


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